Webshop Trustmark and customer reviews

Shipping within the EU

Complaints procedure

If you are not satisfied with the chocolate or other products you have received, please let us know. Together we will find a solution.
You can report complaints to us within a maximum of 8 days of discovering the complaint.
You can report the complaint via:

To best help you, we ask you to include the following in the email:

    • Clear description of the complaint (supplemented by visual material if possible)
    • Invoice number
    • Brand
    • Description of the product(s)

We aim to answer you within 3 working days.

If this does not lead to a solution, it is possible to submit the dispute for mediation via Stichting WebwinkelKeur via https://www.webwinkelkeur.nl/kennisbank/consumenten/geschil.
From 15 February 2016, it will also be possible for consumers in the EU to register complaints through the European Commission's ODR platform. This ODR platform can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/odr. If your complaint is not already being processed elsewhere, you are free to file your complaint through the European Union platform.

Rating of thechocolategirls.co.uk at WebshopKeur Reviews is 9.7/10 gebaseerd op 34 reviews.